OK, sometimes we wish we did, but we folks here at Black HQ don't actually live in Manhattan. We do however believe the heavily built, super metro isle of cultural munificence is nothing, if not the epicentre of global cultural expression. A place of style, class and...humour. Enter Gawker - Manhattan's hilarious, intriguing, informative and bold, as in going boldly where no journalist has gone before, media empire. The site - or sites - come filled with a plethora of interesting concepts, reads and excursions. Regular columns or features include:
Meltdowns - who has had one this week?
Model Behaviours - similar but model action only
Layoffs - who has been fired?
Open Caption - a picture is supplied [ as above, in this case Heidi Klum's Milk ad] for you to supply a caption
Things We Actually Like
Urban Anthropology
Snap Judgements
...and much more. Plus of course profiles, books, politics etc etc.
In 2005 V Magazine interviewed a number of top international fashion magazines with the same questions. Most answered in a relatively dry, mirror-of-our-readers vein. Here is a small sample of Gawker's answers:
What is your editorial objective? Say what? Speak up, we can’t hear you over the blender! Gosh, we love daiquiris on a hot summer day, don’t you? Who is your ideal reader? Underfed, over-beaten Condé Nast assistants. Who is your actual reader? Underfed, over-beaten Condé Nast assistants. What do you do better than any other magazine? While we have advertisers, our editors proudly refuse to acknowledge and/or cater to their blood money. So we’re actually rather skilled at alienating ourselves from potential income. Oh, and we don’t have a glossy pole stuck up our ass. That, too.
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