Health and well being can be a subjective thing and whilst we have long held the belief that a balanced diet and exercise are the foundation of a sound mind and body, we have also been open to the concept of dietary supplements. A plethora of products are now jostling for space on the shelves of health shops, chemists and supermarkets around the world. But how many of these products are really that good for you? How many make any sort of significant difference or, to put it bluntly, are worth the sometimes exorbitant price you pay for them?
Thus when we were given the opportunity to try out the Mannatech Optimal Health range it's fair to say that whilst we weren't exactly sceptical, we weren't yet convinced. We've now finished all four bottles and the verdict is straightforward; we want more please sir.
The company's strapline is "enriching the quality of life" and that's a fair description of the products here, used in tandem, on a daily basis. The company's core product, the patent-no-longer-pending Ambrotose is basically a blend of specific sources of plant saccharides that provides support for the immune system. The Ambrotose AO product pictured above takes this a step further and combines a series of antioxidants with the Ambrotose foundation and when it comes to dietary supplements, antioxidants are king.
The PLUS caplets provide endocrine support i.e healthy glands - an essential part of optimal health. Components wild yam, amino acids and beta-sitosterol are simply nutrients that help support your endocrine system.
Of all of the products we wondered if PhytoMatrix (patent-pending) was the most effective. The mix of natural vitamins, plant-sourced minerals and standardised phytochemicals certainly provided mind and body with an extra zing and is preferable in construct to other supplements formulated with synthetic chemicals.
Last but not least, the Gl Pro kept the old digestive system running smoothly. The product contains microscopic lifeforms or bacteria, known as probiotics. These miniscule creatures break down food and process waste. Welcome on board little guys!
Another of Mannatech's philosophys is Intelligent Supplementation and that kind of sums up how the products make you feel. Switched on body and mind.
Stockist information: New Zealand 1300 361 878 – ask for ‘business development’