I have a lot to say about porn and mens mags, and have had even more to say lately... Firstly, I was chuffed to hear that Australian Big Brother's busty Bianca had turned down a wad of cash to pose for Zoo Weekly (which is called Zoo because it's made by animals, for animals I'm sure) while I just read that Charlize Theron - who I have always considered a woman with the utmost dignity - has gotten her gear off for a number of publications. Now, to throw another spanner in the proverbial works, I have come across the French edition of Playboy. No silicone valley of the dolls giggling blondes on the cover, but muse of the moment, Lou Doillon. Apparently the aspirations of new editor Yan Ceh is to return to the glamour and seductiveness of the seventies. With arresting fashion, interesting celebrities and a healthy dash of brains balancing the requisite tits and arse, rumour has it that Ceh is giving Carine a run for her money. Ooh la la...