Our favourite Sydneyside lensman James Demitri has published a book of his fabulous work and we're busting to tell you about it. Early on in the piece James sent us a shoot which well and truly floated our boat, vote, goat even. Fightclub was such a fabulous mix of concept, sexiness and world class photographic execution that we broke our 'no submissions' rule and ran a 10 page spread there and then. Since then James has contributed a shoot to every issue of Black, including the next one. Now he has created a book of his work that shows just how good the boy really is. You can find out more here. Or here. Or here, God damn it!

When looking at Jame's work, whether you are straight or gay, boy or girl, up or down, left or right, black or white, there is no escaping his work is pure and simply, 'sexy'. All and sundry it seems, find it so...
James Demitri's new book Portfolio is available now.