We were tickled black last week to receive an email from Julian Gregory one of the founders of Ftape, a new fashion resource site in London. Julian wondered if we would like to be included in their selection of top fashion magazines from around the globe. Upon sighting Ftape's selection of fashion titles we were rather humbled - a collection of magazines that we adore/aspire to/fawn over/wish we shared an office with. After having a good look at the site, we're even more impressed - a fashion resource it truly is. Excellent sections include "Roar Talent" - work from emerging photographers, designers, stylists and make-up artists that are currently learning their trade at the likes of London College of Fashion - the work is uniformly fresh, vibrant and exciting. "Spotlight" takes that concept but applies it to the working fashion industry in general and, although the site is new, there is already a body of work here which exudes "quality" including photographer Seiji Fujimori - whose first image appeared in Black two issues ago. "The A-Z Listing" is a killer reference for agencies and individuals across the gamut of fashion industry business and the "News & Media" section is as sharp and contemporaneous as anywhere online. The design is excellent, the navigation smooth and the images are BIG.
Ok, so you get the drift. We love it. Here's the magazine covers page...