A month or so back we were feeling a little chuffed when our MySpace friends total lurched over 20,000 and 100,000 profile views. We have had our MySpace profile since late 2006 and it has been a useful way of communicating with and finding out about fashion photographers, beauty personnel, model agencies, other publications, online communities and the like. It has also had a hand in positioning Black Magazine as New Zealand's international fashion, beauty, arts and culture title among a community of international fashion people. On the other hand for a magazine that doesn't take submissions we receive around 100 finished fashion shoot submission per week - we'd need to employ somoeone full time to reply to them all so we don't.
We have also been present on several other communities and networks for some time - including the London/Paris-based fashion community IQONs. We set our profile up in early 2007 and up until yesterday morning had received about 8,500 'profile views' which was reasonably good given the community is largely populated by fashion professionals like Diane Pernet, Bernhard Wilhelm etc
Yesterday, IQONS named Black Magazine as its recipient of '15 Minutes Of Fame' - in other words, the profile of the day. We were unaware and surprised to discover our inbox full of friend requests this morning and another 8,000 'profile views' or hits over night. We've had another 3,500 since 10 am this morning and it's still going strong.
It's nice to feel loved...thanks IQONS.