How perfectly circular it is to see Simon "Glass Half MTV" Oosterdijk' and Markus Hofko's [go the Euro heritage] new Pie newspaper. At only $4.00, yes $4.00 and not $3.99, Pie is quite simply a visual treat and it's newsprint neat in texture, feel and floppiness. For this, the first issue - Pie celebrates the absolute fabulousness of the circle characterised by a smiley face cover. Oosterdijk was born a creative force, a natural conceptualist. His studio, The Wilderness, has long been at the forefront of graphic, design, conceptual and creative development and their partnership with the Semi-Permanent forum speaks volumes of the company's creative output and collaborative style. Pie is an idea. Pie just exists - and exists gleefully free of advertising and sponsorship. Pie is the sky...
Check it out here if you can't grasp a real copy....
Pie, Issue O. The circle features The Moon, NASA visions of circles, yin and yang, the wheel, black spots, rings, Mt Taranaki, emanations, a round ping-pong table and considerably more roundness in general. What comes around, goes around. We can't wait to be hit in the face with more Pies...