We were contacted on our MySpace site recently by Drew Sinclair with a simple message -" Bangs Boutique, New Zealander doing his own label in Melbourne, check it out." So we did, and were impressed by the cool and classical simplicity of his denim and styling. We wanted to find out more and discovered that Drew, a native of Paeroa, then Mt Maunganui, has been running Bangs Boutique as a short run almost bespoke denim brand in Melbourne since 2004 and he keeps it simple "I have no training in fashion." he says "But now as a self taught one man label, I do all the design, pattern making , cutting and sewing myself in a renovated warehouse studio in Prahran. An industrial wash -house does the finishes. The label is completely independent and customers can make appointments to view and order there tailored customized jeans or buy of the racks.most garments are one off or made in very small amounts."
Bee, the model, is also a Kiwi and the site, and name of the brand, all stack up. Nice...