Dress up, look good and win. Simply turn up with your glad rags on at Air NZ Fashion Week 2008 and one of our Sony Alpha photographers might ask to snap you and your outfit. Each morning here on BlackLOG we'll be running the best dressed, in the opinion of Black Creative Fashion Director Rachael Churchward, from the previous day. The snazziest dressers will feature in a four page spread in Issue 9 of Black Magazine and Rachael's choice of the day's best dressed will win a Sony E-Series Walkman.

If we take your photo it’s because you look hot so we might also give you some cool, cleansing Radox Smoothie shower gel to say thanks. So dress up, be confident and we’ll find you.

What is Sony Black Eye?
A collaboration between Black Magazine and Sony Alpha - in this case, the place where digital photography meets fashion and style. Over the past two years Sony Black Eye has developed from a two page emerging photographer spread in Issue 1 of Black Magazine, to 12 full pages of digital excellence in the forthcoming Issue 9. We're continuing on with our support of emerging photographers and this issue we are showcasing the talents of photographers Phillip Simpson, Joshua Jones and Himiona Grace. In recognition of the leaps and bounds that Sony’s Alpha range of cameras is making in the digital photography world, Sony Black Eye celebrates emerging photography and we are adding a fourth double page spread featuring the work of an emerging talent by also featuring the work of the Sony Photography Scholarship recipient 2008.